About Me

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Hi there!

One day, partway through my seminary education, one of my kids told the other that Unitarian Universalism was “that thing why mom can’t play with us” and I realized that I was training to be a Minister in a way that was in opposition to the values I wanted to promote. I was spending a lot of money, spending time away from my kids, and becoming part of an infrastructure that would be resistant to change. I decided I’d said “Not now, honey, I’m reading Theodore Parker” for the last time, and set out on my own. I do a bunch of things that serve the same goals of regular Ministry—community building, writing, fund-raising for good causes—but I do them in experimental ways. Some of my experiments …

My most favourite thing I’m doing right now is the Cracked Cup Podcast, which you can find here.

The UU Hysterical Society, which you can find on Facebook here, and on their web page here. We do memes on Facebook, but we also do products, worship resources, and we even partner with congregations to do worship services on zoom.

You can also find a lot of my writing through this link.

Despite my very best intentions, most of my writing happens on my Facebook wall. (You can also like my Facebook page, but I make no promises).