And I am so grateful to all of you, who sent encouragement, and commented, and so many of you who shared posts to your own Facebook--I appreciate it like you can't even imagine.
Meghan, who understands websites: Wow, those are great page view statistics.
Me: I know! I’m so excited that I am REALLY TURNING INTO A WRITER!!!
Meghan, who understands websites but not friendly encouragement: I wonder how many of them are robots?
<next day>
Me: I checked. 2% of them are robots. Wtf.
Meghan: That's not bad. I am sure like 95% of my readership is robots.
Me: You should embrace that, then. Clearly the robots have unmet needs and you are speaking to those needs in a meaningful way.
Meghan, who understands websites and also robots: I think I post too many pictures and not enough words.
Me: Maybe I need to write content for my robots. I mean, I wrote about toxic masculinity…. maybe I should write about the challenges of being robotic in a non-robot-dominated world.
Meghan, who understands robots and might be one: I joined Instagram because it’s FOR photos, but then I learned that you’re supposed to write content to “engage with your audience”. Ugh. It’s so hard.
Me: Is organism privilege a thing?
Meghan: It is now.
Me: I know what you’re thinking. That it’s not appropriate for me to write about the challenges of being a robot in a non-robot dominated world, when I have so much organism privilege. Instead of speaking over the robots, I should amplify their voices in telling their own story.
Meghan, who is clearly diverting the conversation to avoid explaining how deeply mistaken I am about the robots not being in charge: I have to go get the kids ready for school now.
Note: I need to specify that my representation of this conversation is only about 75% accurate. I feel like I have to be very transparent now, because the robots probably have access to Facebook messenger, and I do not want to give them blackmail fodder.